add_include_path [line 17]
void add_include_path(
string $path
Adds the given path to PHPs set of include paths
string |
$path: |
The path to be included |
createCourseOfferListArray [line 345]
void createCourseOfferListArray(
createLearningListArray [line 365]
void createLearningListArray(
$encodedCourseOrOffering: |
createOfferCourseForm [line 119]
HTML_Quickform createOfferCourseForm(
Creates an Offer Course form using HTML_Quickform.
API Tags:
Return: | The generated form object. |
Deprecated: | |
createOfferLearningForm [line 161]
HTML_Quickform createOfferLearningForm(
Creates an Offer Learning form using HTML_Quickform.
API Tags:
Return: | The generated form object. |
Deprecated: | |
createQuestionForm [line 206]
HTML_Quickform createQuestionForm(
int $crsId, int $learningId, int $questionNumber, string $function, string $subfunction
Creates a Create Question form using HTML_Quickform.
int |
$crsId: |
Id of the Course the question is part of. |
int |
$learningId: |
Id of the Learning the question is part of. |
int |
$questionNumber: |
The number of the question, i.e. question 6 |
string |
$function: |
The function the form is under, i.e. create, update |
string |
$subfunction: |
The subfunction the form is under, i.e. question |
API Tags:
Return: | The generated form object. |
Deprecated: | |
createSelectCourseForm [line 277]
HTML_Quickform createSelectCourseForm(
Creates an Offer Course form using HTML_Quickform.
API Tags:
Return: | The generated form object. |
Deprecated: | |
createSelectCourseOfferForm [line 296]
void createSelectCourseOfferForm(
createSelectLearningForm [line 321]
void createSelectLearningForm(
$encodedCourseOrOffering: |
form_object_decode [line 37]
mixed form_object_decode(
string $object
Decodes a PHP object encoded with form_object_encode.
string |
$object: |
The object to be decoded. |
API Tags:
Return: | The PHP object that was encoded. |
form_object_encode [line 27]
string form_object_encode(
mixed $object
Encodes a PHP object so that it may be passed by forms.
mixed |
$object: |
The object to be encoded. |
API Tags:
Return: | The object represented as a decodable string. |
getNextQuestionNumber [line 408]
void getNextQuestionNumber(
getQuestionsArray [line 387]
void getQuestionsArray(
get_date_string [line 49]
string get_date_string(
int $year, int $month, int $day
Creates a date string of the format YYYY-MM-DD
int |
$year: |
The year in the format YYYY. |
int |
$month: |
The month as a number, ex. 3, 7, 11 |
int |
$day: |
The day as a number, ex. 3, 9, 21 |
API Tags:
Return: | The data as a string of the format YYYY-MM-DD |
returnCourseObject [line 422]
void returnCourseObject(
returnLearningObject [line 450]
void returnLearningObject(
returnObject [line 436]
void returnObject(
$objectType, $objectId
rm [line 62]
void rm(
$fileglob $fileglob
Vigorously erase files and directories.
$fileglob |
$fileglob: |
mixed If string, must be a file name (foo.txt), glob pattern (*.txt), or directory name. If array, must be an array of file names, glob patterns, or directories. |
updateRequestAndPostValues [line 464]
void updateRequestAndPostValues(