phpDocumentor KuoteObjects
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Class: KuoteObjects_Result

Source Location: /classes/KuoteObjects/Result.php

Class KuoteObjects_Result

Method Summary
KuoteObjects_Result   __construct()   Constructor instantiates $result as a DataObjects_Result object.
boolean   delete()   Removes the course from the datastore based on the course Id
boolean   get()   Loads the object from the data store by its unique identifier.
integer   getCorrectQuestionsCount()   Returns the number of questions answered correctly.
integer   getCourseId()   Returns the Id of the Result's Course
integer   getCourseOfferingId()   Returns the Id of the Result's Course Offering
integer   getId()   Returns the unique id of the course
integer   getLearningId()   Returns the Id of the Result's Learning
integer   getLearningOfferingId()   Returns the Id of the Result's Learning Offering
int   getLearningOfferingTakenId()   Returns the Id of the Learning Offer Taken for this result.
integer   getQuestionsCount()   Returns the total number of questions.
string   getTimestamp()   Returns the timestamp of when the Result was created or last modified.
int   getUserId()   Returns the unique user id of the course's creator
boolean   incrementCorrectQuestionsCount()   Returns the number of questions answered correctly.
boolean   insert()   Takes the currently set properties of the course and inserts them into the data store as a new course with its own unique id.
boolean   setCorrectQuestionsCount()   Sets the number of questions answered correctly.
boolean   setCourseId()   Sets the Id of the Result's Course
boolean   setCourseOfferingId()   Sets the Id of the Result's Course Offering
boolean   setLearningId()   Sets the Id of the Result's Learning
boolean   setLearningOfferingId()   Sets the Id of the Result's Learning Offering
boolean   setLearningOfferingTakenId()   Sets the Id of the Learning Offer Taken for this result.
boolean   setQuestionsCount()   Sets the total number of questions.
boolean   setUserId()   Sets the unique user id of the course's creator.
boolean   update()   Updates the datastore to reflect the currently set properties of the object.

[ Top ]
Constructor __construct  [line 28]

  KuoteObjects_Result __construct( )

Constructor instantiates $result as a DataObjects_Result object.

API Tags:
Access:  public

Information Tags:

[ Top ]
delete  [line 67]

  boolean delete( )

Removes the course from the datastore based on the course Id

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
get  [line 38]

  boolean get( integer $id  )

Loads the object from the data store by its unique identifier.

integer   $id:  Unique identifier of a course in the data store.

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getCorrectQuestionsCount  [line 94]

  integer getCorrectQuestionsCount( )

Returns the number of questions answered correctly.

API Tags:
Return:  The number of questions answered correctly.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getCourseId  [line 179]

  integer getCourseId( )

Returns the Id of the Result's Course

API Tags:
Return:  Course Id
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getCourseOfferingId  [line 198]

  integer getCourseOfferingId( )

Returns the Id of the Result's Course Offering

API Tags:
Return:  Course Offering Id
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getId  [line 76]

  integer getId( )

Returns the unique id of the course

API Tags:
Return:  The course's unique id
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getLearningId  [line 141]

  integer getLearningId( )

Returns the Id of the Result's Learning

API Tags:
Return:  Learning Id
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getLearningOfferingId  [line 160]

  integer getLearningOfferingId( )

Returns the Id of the Result's Learning Offering

API Tags:
Return:  Learning Offering Id
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getLearningOfferingTakenId  [line 236]

  int getLearningOfferingTakenId( )

Returns the Id of the Learning Offer Taken for this result.

API Tags:
Return:  User Id.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getQuestionsCount  [line 113]

  integer getQuestionsCount( )

Returns the total number of questions.

API Tags:
Return:  The number of questions answered correctly.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getTimestamp  [line 132]

  string getTimestamp( )

Returns the timestamp of when the Result was created or last modified.

API Tags:
Return:  Timestamp.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getUserId  [line 217]

  int getUserId( )

Returns the unique user id of the course's creator

API Tags:
Return:  User Id.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
incrementCorrectQuestionsCount  [line 85]

  boolean incrementCorrectQuestionsCount( )

Returns the number of questions answered correctly.

API Tags:
Return:  True on successful increment, False otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
insert  [line 48]

  boolean insert( )

Takes the currently set properties of the course and inserts them into the data store as a new course with its own unique id.

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
setCorrectQuestionsCount  [line 104]

  boolean setCorrectQuestionsCount( integer $numberCorrect  )

Sets the number of questions answered correctly.

integer   $numberCorrect:  The number of correctly answered questions.

API Tags:
Return:  True if successful, false if not.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
setCourseId  [line 189]

  boolean setCourseId( integer $id  )

Sets the Id of the Result's Course

integer   $id:  Course Id

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
setCourseOfferingId  [line 208]

  boolean setCourseOfferingId( integer $id  )

Sets the Id of the Result's Course Offering

integer   $id:  Course Offering Id

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
setLearningId  [line 151]

  boolean setLearningId( integer $id  )

Sets the Id of the Result's Learning

integer   $id:  Learning Id

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
setLearningOfferingId  [line 170]

  boolean setLearningOfferingId( integer $id  )

Sets the Id of the Result's Learning Offering

integer   $id:  Learning Offering Id

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
setLearningOfferingTakenId  [line 246]

  boolean setLearningOfferingTakenId( integer $id  )

Sets the Id of the Learning Offer Taken for this result.

integer   $id:  User Id of the Course Creator.

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
setQuestionsCount  [line 123]

  boolean setQuestionsCount( integer $count  )

Sets the total number of questions.

integer   $count:  The number of correctly answered questions.

API Tags:
Return:  True if successful, false if not.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
setUserId  [line 227]

  boolean setUserId( integer $id  )

Sets the unique user id of the course's creator.

integer   $id:  User Id of the Course Creator.

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
update  [line 58]

  boolean update( )

Updates the datastore to reflect the currently set properties of the object.

Updates by the current Id.

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]

Documentation generated on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 11:18:35 -0500 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0