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Interface: KuoteInterfaces_CourseOffering

Source Location: /classes/KuoteInterfaces/CourseOffering.php

Interface KuoteInterfaces_CourseOffering

Interface Overview

KuoteInterfaces_CourseOffering This intefaces defines the set of methods that all CourseOffering implementations need to function as part of the Kuote System.

Located in /classes/KuoteInterfaces/CourseOffering.php [line 18]

  • Kyle Hall
Information Tags:
Copyright:  2006


[ Top ]
Method Summary
static array   getCourseOfferingsHash()   Returns a hashed array of course offerings created by the given user.
integer   getCourseId()   Returns the id of the course which this offering represents.
string   getEnd()   Returns the end date of the offering in the form "YYYY-MM-DD".
array   getEnrolledCourseOfferingsHash()   Returns a hashed array of the format
  1. $courseOfferingId => $courseOfferingTitle
string   getPassword()   Returns the hash of the course offering's password.
string   getStart()   Returns the start date of the offering in the form "YYYY-MM-DD".
string   getTitle()   Returns the title of the course offering.
integer   getUserId()   Returns the id of the user which has created this offering.
boolean   hasPassword()   Returns true if the offering is password protected, false if not.
boolean   setCourseId()   Sets the id of the course which this offering represents.
boolean   setEnd()   Sets the ending date of an offering.
boolean   setPassword()   Sets the password of an offering.
boolean   setStart()   Sets the starting date of an offering.
boolean   setTitle()   Sets the title of the course offering.
boolean   setUserId()   Sets the id of the user which has created this offering.
boolean   verifyPassword()   Compares the password of the offering with the passed password.

[ Top ]
static method getCourseOfferingsHash  [line 148]

  static array getCourseOfferingsHash( KuoteObjects_User $user  )

Returns a hashed array of course offerings created by the given user.

Returns a hashed array of the format

  1. $courseOfferingId => $courseOfferingTitle

KuoteObjects_User   $user:  User for which to find created courses.

API Tags:
Return:  Hashed array of
  1. $courseOfferingId => $courseOfferingTitle
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getCourseId  [line 113]

  integer getCourseId( )

Returns the id of the course which this offering represents.

API Tags:
Return:  Course Id.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getEnd  [line 78]

  string getEnd( )

Returns the end date of the offering in the form "YYYY-MM-DD".

API Tags:
Return:  Date "YYYY-MM-DD".
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getEnrolledCourseOfferingsHash  [line 157]

  array getEnrolledCourseOfferingsHash( KuoteObjects_User $user  )

Returns a hashed array of the format

  1. $courseOfferingId => $courseOfferingTitle

KuoteObjects_User   $user:  The user for which to get available course offerings.

API Tags:
Return:  Hashed array of $courseOfferingId => $courseOfferingTitle OR boolean False if no offerings are found.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getPassword  [line 96]

  string getPassword( )

Returns the hash of the course offering's password.

API Tags:
Return:  Date "YYYY-MM-DD". OR boolean False if there is no password.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getStart  [line 61]

  string getStart( )

Returns the start date of the offering in the form "YYYY-MM-DD".

API Tags:
Return:  Date "YYYY-MM-DD".
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getTitle  [line 43]

  string getTitle( )

Returns the title of the course offering.

The title of the offering should differ from the course offering to distinguish multiple offerings from one another.

API Tags:
Return:  Course title.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
getUserId  [line 129]

  integer getUserId( )

Returns the id of the user which has created this offering.

API Tags:
Return:  User Id.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
hasPassword  [line 24]

  boolean hasPassword( )

Returns true if the offering is password protected, false if not.

API Tags:
Return:  True of password protected, false if not.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
setCourseId  [line 122]

  boolean setCourseId( $id $id  )

Sets the id of the course which this offering represents.

$id   $id:  The Course Id.

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
setEnd  [line 88]

  boolean setEnd( $dateString $dateString  )

Sets the ending date of an offering.

Date must be passed in the format "YYYY-MM-DD".

$dateString   $dateString:  Date string in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
setPassword  [line 106]

  boolean setPassword( $password $password  )

Sets the password of an offering.

$password   $password:  The offering's password.

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
setStart  [line 71]

  boolean setStart( $dateString $dateString  )

Sets the starting date of an offering.

Date must be passed in the format "YYYY-MM-DD".

$dateString   $dateString:  Date string in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
setTitle  [line 54]

  boolean setTitle( string $title  )

Sets the title of the course offering.

The title of the offering should differ from the course offering to distinguish multiple offerings from one another.

string   $title:  Course Title

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
setUserId  [line 137]

  boolean setUserId( integer $id  )

Sets the id of the user which has created this offering.

integer   $id:  User Id.

API Tags:
Return:  True on success, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]
verifyPassword  [line 33]

  boolean verifyPassword( string $password  )

Compares the password of the offering with the passed password.

Returns true on a match, false otherwise.

string   $password: 

API Tags:
Return:  True on match, false otherwise.
Access:  public

[ Top ]

Documentation generated on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 11:17:20 -0500 by phpDocumentor 1.3.0